YHT expeditions buses

YHT expeditions buses
Eskisehir-Konya High Speed ​​Train (YHT) and time of the start of the inter-city bus companies negatively affects the work, some of the tools in the 90 percent occupancy rate fell specified.

Due to the opening, it is stated that the bus fare is between 7-5 lira for the train tickets, which are sold for 35 lira until April 40 and expected to be 40-45 lira later, and the passengers prefer YHT by taking advantage of both time and fare advantages.

The YHT services, which were inaugurated by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 23 March 2013 and reduced the distance between Eskişehir and Konya from 4-5 hours to 2 hours by bus, brought the intercity bus companies operating on the same line to a halt. İsmail Büyükkıdan, who is in charge of a private company, who said that high-speed train transportation hits bus services in his heart, stated that the buses have been empty since last Monday and the occupancy rate in the vehicles has decreased by 90 percent. Büyükkıdan said, “We don't have many passengers directly from Eskişehir to Konya. This line is generally used by short distance passengers. The start of high-speed train services had a very negative impact on our business, but the system will change as the period passes. Individuals are finished, now holdings are doing this. So they will build big companies. On the one hand, we are complaining, but we are also satisfied with the work of the state. ''

Gokhan Kosarer, who is responsible for a different company, who normally refers to the use of HRT to get to the place where people will reach very fast, said that the state should provide bus companies with facilities in this regard. Kosarer, '' necessarily a fall in our business is certain. Nowadays people want to go to a lot of speed to reach. YHT is a good thing for everyone, we are aware of it, but in this case, the state should give us some tolerance and convenience I think. Whether it's diesel prices, garage entrances, highway passes, tax, taxpayers can provide some more convenience to the state bus driver. Otherwise, we are starting to finish the bus service day by day, '' he said.


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