Beykoz Logistics Vocational School Collaborates with KOSGEB

Beykoz Logistics Vocational School Collaborates with KOSGEB
Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics, the business plans for students to their own ideas
KOSGEB (Small and
A cooperation for education with the Ministry of Mines Development and Support Administration)
Within the framework of this cooperation, two 56 hours in two periods at Beykoz Logistics Vocational School
Entrepreneurship and Applied Entrepreneurship courses are now offered by KOSGEB Entrepreneurship Support Program
is accepted as Applied Entrepreneurship Training. KOSGEB, 30.000 TL grants and
In order to apply for the New Entrepreneur Support Program with 70.000 TL repayment,
training is required. Training of 3. and 4. By selecting these courses in their semesters
students who successfully complete the certificate and apply to the entrepreneurial support program
is entitled.
KOSGEB attaches great importance to Applied Entrepreneurship Education
KOSGEB, Applied Entrepreneurship Education, to promote the culture of entrepreneurship and
Due to the purpose of ensuring the establishment of successful businesses by introducing entrepreneurs business concept concept
pays great attention. At the end of these trainings, the entrepreneur candidates were able to
gain knowledge and experience to prepare. This program of KOSGEB
In this system of Beykoz Vocational School of Logistics
it is a very pleasing development.
These courses within the scope of Entrepreneur Support Program, Beykoz Logistics Vocational School, Business Administration
Program Director, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Family Education Program Former
Dr. Reha Uluhan and Dr. It is run by Burcu Güven.