One of the old villages of Istanbul was encountered within the scope of the Marmaray Excavation

One of the oldest villages of Istanbul was found within the scope of Marmaray Excavation
One of the oldest villages of Istanbul was found in Pendik during the excavations carried out within the scope of the Marmaray Project.
In the excavations carried out on the Yenikapı-Pendik line within the scope of Marmaray Project, traces of 8 bin 500 annual neolithic period (Stone Age) were found in Pendik. These oldest natives of Istanbul established a village in Pendik. In the excavation area, foundations of houses, garbage wells, graves, bone spoons, needles, axes were uncovered. Archaeologists are now investigating whether there is kinship between the inhabitants of Yenikapı and those who live in Pendik.
During the expansion of the railway route at the Marmaray Pendik - Gebze line, archaeologists came across a village from the Neolithic period. Today, the foundations of 8 bin 500 years ago, along with garbage pits and graves were unearthed.
According to the report of Radikal newspaper Ömer Erbil, it was observed that clam shells were placed under the houses to provide permeability. It was determined that they consumed a lot of seafood in the garbage pit. 32 Neolithic period tombs, similar examples of which were previously found in Yenikapı, were unearthed in Pendik.
A large number of items of usage were found in the graves where the dead were buried in a shrunken position (hocker) like the mother's womb. Hand axes, bone spoons, bone needles for sewing leather, mortar for pesting barley and wheat, grinding stone, lighters, obsidian cutting tools, Byzantine pottery were found.
Pendik settlement, Pendik district center 1.5 km. To the east of the Kaynarca Railway Station is the 500-600 meter west of Temenye, a small bay northwest of 50 meters. The first scientific excavation in the settlement was first introduced to the world of science by a railroad worker named Miliopulos during the construction of the rails that have been dismantled in 1908. Dr. Şevket Aziz Kansu's 1961, 4 small drilling began with. In this study, limited information about the settlement was obtained.
Professor Dr. After the drillings opened by Şevket Aziz Kansu, the settlement did not work for a long time. 1981 In April, a short-term rescue excavation was organized when it was seen that there was intense destruction due to the construction on the mound.
Istanbul Archeology Museums and Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Prehistory Department were carried out by the instructors.
10 years after the rescue excavation, the rebuilding of the residential area, the 1992'te museum on a second rescue excavation carried out another. Three layers were identified in the area: the surface layer with abundant sherds belonging to the classical ages at the top, the architectural remains and graves in the damaged state due to erosion underneath;
Hundreds of workers in the excavation area are working under the supervision of the 3 archaeologist. Even the smallest detail is noted. Some tombs were buried in a row, the bones were mixed. The continuation of the neolithic tombs lined up at the bottom of the wall separating the railway is estimated to be under the highway.
Archaeologists point out that excavations must continue on the road just behind the Green Park Hotel. Istanbul Provincial Culture and Tourism Director Dr. When talking about a new museum, Ahmet Emre Bilgili can actually make a different application in the archeological park and a museum in Pendik. Because the mound continues to the top of the railway, and there are many tombs and villages.
After the Fikirtepe and Yenikapı excavations in the Marmara region, traces of neolithic period were found only in Pendik. In Anatolia, we see traces of neolithic era in limited places such as Çatalhöyük, Göbeklitepe, Tell Cudeyde in Amik Plain, Tarsus - Glassesule, Mersin Yumuktepe.
Archaeologist Sırrı Çömlekçi from Istanbul Archeology Museum:
We compare the grave finds from the Neolithic (Stone Age) period in Yenikapı. We are examining whether they have kinship between them, met or visited each other. The foundations of houses, garbage pits are quite important data for the neolithic period. An important development for Istanbul.

Source : I

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