The Train That Caught Fire Was Not a High-Speed Train: TCDD made a statement regarding the news titled “Fire on a High-Speed Train” published in some media outlets today. News titled “Fire on a High-Speed Train” appeared in some media outlets today.
It is deemed necessary to make the following description on the subject.
1-Event, 26 17.45 on December, the Denizli-Izmir flight of the regional train, the rear engineer cabin consists of a fire for yet unknown reasons.
2- The regional train was taken to Nazilli Gar and the fire was extinguished and the maximum precaution was taken to prevent any damage to the passengers.
3- The train in question is not a ”high-speed train söz as alleged in a news agency source. The railway between Denizli and Izmir is a conventional railway; The passenger trains running here are also regional passenger trains.
4- Turkey to put into operation at the moment Ankara-Eskisehir and Ankara-Konya high-speed train There is no way out of High Speed Rail lines. Fast trains work only on these lines.
5- It is unthinkable for the public not to know the high speed train, news agencies and media organs. It is not understood that the regional train is the subject of high-speed train; should be overlooked.
It will be publicly honored.