High-Speed ​​Train Projects: Ankara-Sivas-Kars high-speed train line

Eastern Anatolia and Sivas, Turkey's largest city of the (Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir) provide a shorter time transportation and Ankara with the aim to realize the connection between speed rail - Sivas - Kars High Speed ​​Train Project planned, with this project; Between Ankara-Kırıkkale-Yozgat-Sivas and later Kars, a new double track, electric, signaled railway will be built.

Ankara - Sivas stage

Construction of the 442 km Yerköy-Sivas stage of the 291 km Ankara - Yozgat - Sivas line started in February 2009 and the physical infrastructures were completed by 80%. The 174 km Ankara-Yerköy line project has a minimum speed of 250 km per hour. It is still in the planning phase for it to happen, but construction is expected to begin soon.

Construction of Ankara-Sivas-Kars high speed train line
Line Section Length (km) Start / end date Notes
Ankara Hotels 88 The minimum speed for the Ankara-Kırıkkkale line section is 250 km per hour. It is under revision to increase the curve radii to ensure that it is.
Kırıkkkale - Yerköy 86 It will be tendered in 2012.
Yerkoy - Sivas 291 2009-2015 (estimated) Infrastructure construction was tendered in 2008. The construction of a total of 3 stations, 4 between Yerköy and Doğakent and 7 between Doğakent and Sivas, was also tendered. Number of tunnels: 7 - Total tunnel length: over 10 km
Number of viaducts: 4 - Total length of viaducts: 2.7 km