Mehmet Behiç (Erkin), A Turkish Railway Officer, Was Commemorated in the International Balkan Symposium

Prof. Dr. Abant İzzet Baysal University Head of History Department Dr. Mustafa Gencer, faculty members Assoc. Dr. Prof. Dr. Ayşe Kayapınar and Assist. Assoc. Dr. Nuray Özdemir attended the International Balkan Symposium held at the Istanbul Grand Cevahir Convention Center.
100 of the Balkan Wars. In the International Balkan Symposium held due to the year, Prof. Mustafa Gencer talked about the Balkan alliance against the Ottoman Empire and explained the reasons behind the war. In his presentation, Gencer stated that (The Balkan Wars (1912 ası 1913) was defined as the – Proof of the First World War un (Richard C. Hall) of the Ottoman Empire, the last fortress in northern Africa, and the First World War between the Tripoli War and the Ottoman Empire. It is a very important event which causes its lands to be used in a few weeks. It is known that in the Balkan Wars, the Ottoman army experienced problems in the management of operations and in the management of the military, in logistics and intelligence, but the establishment of an alliance against the Ottoman administration revealed that the war was an organized movement. In what process has the Balkan Alliance, which is more of a conjunctural character than sacred, been established? Who are their actors and supporters? What is the goal and how is it planned to achieve this goal? The paper, which will look for answers to these and similar questions, will attempt to analyze the development of the war and the process of the formation of the Balkan Alliance. 8 October 1912 military operations that began with the attack on Montenegro by the Ottoman Empire, the phases of the war and the results will be excluded. The examination of the correspondence of the German Foreign Ministry with its diplomatic representatives in such centers as Sofia, Belgrade, Vienna, Athens and Istanbul will be the basis of this study. Alman
Assoc. Dr. Ayşe Kayapınar talked about the views of Bulgarian historians in her presentation ”Bulgarians' Perspective on the Balkan Wars Ay. Kayapınar "since he started 100 years past, although still not investigated in Turkey and in the world literature of the Balkan War can say that many aspects of the seven dimensions. One of these aspects is that the point of view of the countries participating in the war is not fully established. Undoubtedly, Bulgaria is one of the countries that should be dealt with in the Balkan Wars. How did Bulgaria look at the Balkan Wars during the war years? How was the Bulgarian military motivated and mobilized? We can find the answer to these questions in the memoirs of Nikola Dodov's in Daily in the Balkan Wars ime and in the memoirs of Simeon Radev's' I Seen from BAlban Wars Bu. The aim of this study is to show the perspective of Bulgaria2 on the Balkan Wars and what are the motivations for the Bulgarians to continue the war. At the same time, the information given by these two works will be compared with the information given by the Turkish parties during the war. It is another aim of the study to reveal the contradictory aspects of the Bulgarian and Turkish sides' perspectives on these wars. Bulgar The story of Behiç Erkin, one of the railway commissars of the Ottoman Army who had been captured by the Greeks in the International Balkan Symposium held at the Grand Cevahir Convention Center in Istanbul, was given by Asst. Assoc. Dr. Nuray Özdemir was highly acclaimed for his presentation with the title of: Bey A Railroad in the Balkan Wars: Mehmet Behiç (Erkin) Bey Nur. In his presentation, Özdemir also touched upon the importance of the railways in the war. Nuray Ozdemir, "In Turkey, '' railway 'is the first name that comes to mind when Behiç said Erkin (1876-1961). Behic Bey served in various positions related to transportation in the Ottoman army, and served as a military commissar of the Istanbul-Thessaloniki Incident Railroad during the Balkan War years. Behiç Bey was captured by the Greeks in 26 1912 XNUMX after the Greek army entered Thessaloniki. 18 of Greece in Piraeus ends at 1913 3 XNUMX in Istanbul at the headquarters of the General Staff. The Branch has been assigned to the Supervisory Section. In a period when transportation vehicles and roads were insufficient, he saw the importance of transport services in the acquisition of a war and gathered his investigations on the railways in the Balkan War years in a book titled kazanıl The History of the Railway from the Point of Military Nation savaş. Although the Allied forces used many railroads in the Balkan War, it was said that being only one line of the Ottomans played an important role in the loss of war. In this study, Behiç Bey's activities for the defense and operation of the Ottoman railways during the Balkan War will be covered.