Eskişehir Osmangazi University (Eskisehir Osmangazi) with refurbishments and Turkey Locomotives Motor Industry Co. (TÜLOMSAŞ) signed a protocol concerning rail systems and aiming cooperation on all subjects including R & D and training.
In the statement made, with the protocol, by conducting R&D studies, to reduce the dependency abroad for the products, systems and services required by the railway sector, to create environments that will enable the training of researchers, trainers and expert personnel required by the sector, leading universities in ESOGÜ's railway engineering. To contribute to the development of the sector by determining common policies and methods for creating railroad systems knowledge and memory, to participate in projects that meet the needs of the sector, to participate in projects within the scope of national and international joint R&D related to rail systems, to make decisions and standard. In determining, it was stated that it is aimed to work to meet the needs of our country.
Speaking at the signing ceremony in the Rectorate Meeting Hall, ESOGU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Gönen stated that Eskişehir is a bridge head for high speed train and high speed train will make great contributions to the country's economy in the future. Expressing that the high speed train will provide significant savings in transportation and transportation costs and in time. Dr. Hasan Gönen said that they have signed this protocol with TÜLOMSAŞ in Eskişehir to make technological and scientific cooperation in the tram, high speed train and other railway sectors. TÜLOMSAŞ General Manager Hayri Avcı said that the protocol is important in terms of innovation and R&D support in addition to providing information support in sectors such as locomotives, wagons, trams in railway production. Avcı stated that TÜLOMSAŞ will also be a training center for doctoral and master's students. As a result of the cooperation between the two institutions, Hayri Avcı noted that Eskişehir is the center of railway vehicles production and it is aimed to get as much share from the world railway vehicle market, which reaches 100 billion euros.