Forestry and Water Affairs Minister Veysel Eroglu, "a very great work being done in Turkey, and services. Now head erect all over the world, Turkey has a lush sound, "he said.
Minister Eroğlu noted that citizens who wanted to go from Afyonkarahisar to Istanbul or with another used to spend 15-16 hours on the roads, and the journey was shortened by newly built divided roads.
Stating that 420 kilometers of divided road was built in Afyonkarahisar, Eroğlu said:
“In the past, there was a saying that 'all roads lead to Rome'. Now all roads lead to Afyonkarahisar. Fast train is coming. The first phase of the Ankara-Afyonkarahisar-İzmir high speed train was tendered. Afyonkarahisar will be the crossroads of all railways and high-speed trains. Is it just that- Many services have been done in health, in housing. TOKI made 2,5 million citizens home owners. "
Eroğlu stated that they will complete the construction of Sinanpaşa, Nuh and Taşoluk Common Pond and Irrigation, the foundations of which they laid today, next year.
The ceremony, Afyonkarahisar Governor Irfan Balkanlıoğlu, Afyonkarahisar Mayor Burhanettin Coban, President of the Provincial Assembly Salih Sel, DSI General Manager Akif Ozkaldi, AK Party Provincial Chairman Mehmet Zeybek, mayors and citizens attended the town.