Bursa-Yenişehir Airport-İnegöl between the YHT line using a portion of the subway line can be done?

Bursa-Yenişehir Airport-İnegöl between the YHT line using a portion of the subway line can be done?

In Istanbul-Ankara and Izmir, there are also metro lines belonging to TCDD except metro and trams. Lately, these lines are renewed and the lines are delivered to the subway standards.

There is neither a subway line nor an intercity train transportation in Bursa. Bursa-Mudanya time between the train had access to him too many were disassembled and scrapped to sell each piece.

Fortunately, a high-speed train connection was provided for intercity transportation. But this is not enough for Bursa.
TCDD should also install suburban lines in Bursa. These lines should be;

First, a suburb line should be built to compensate for the Bursa-Mudanya line, which they have removed in a timely manner. The high speed train station will be at the gate, the municipality should extend Bursaray to this station and the TCDD should establish a suburban line between this station and Mudanya.

The other suburban line should be between the airport and Bursa. We have an airport, but there is a transportation problem with Bursa. If we complain about the wrong location and can not reach enough capacity in terms of usage, it can solve the problem of transportation and non-use by TCDD suburb line. Thus, the airport gets rid of the idle or, like a trial board, every year a firm comes to a few destinations and then removes flights, so far the future is also unknown. Bursaray will be extended to Kestel, and a suburban line extending from the last station to Yenişehir airport and from there to İnegöl should be built. This line is very important for the airport.

Another suburban line should be between Bursa and Gemlik. This line is very important both for the passenger transportation between Bursa-Gemlik and between the organized industrial zones and Gemlik port. This line is very important for Bursa industry and Bursa port.

Although there are independent 3 separate lines, their mileage will not be more than the suburban lines in other cities.

I think TCDD should make these lines. For the Bursa-Mudanya line, which was dismantled years ago, it is necessary for the airport transportation and also for the Bursa industry port connection.

Source: Wowturkey


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