Today's trains go faster than the 10 of their first example, and they deserve the gid High Speed Train ından definition. However, there are certain conditions for reaching this speed.
Develop a fast train to have a fast train line the iceberg's appearing face. Because the most important factor that ensures the success of the system depends on the lines to be created. high-speed trains to reach the speed of this special speed rail lines need to support.
UIC (International Union of Railways) and the European Union base the definition of High Speed on the same principles. In the UIC High Speed Department and the European Union's directives 96/48 and 2004/50 / EU, a definition containing several systems is made under the heading high speed. Lines that fall below the standard set by these definitions are accepted as Conventional (Traditional-Classical).
According to this; There is no single standard definition for high-speed rail concept. The definition of high speed varies according to some criteria due to its complex structure. In order to avoid noise problems in areas where population density is high, it is seen that speed is limited to 110 or 160 km / h for some reasons related to capacity and safety in areas with long tunnel and 180 km / h with high speed lines.
In terms of infrastructure
The definition of high speed railway in terms of infrastructure covers many concepts. If the line's infrastructure is newly built to allow trains to operate at speeds of 250 km / h or more, at least for most of the journey, it is defined as the High Speed Line.
In the conventional lines suitable for transporting up to 200 km / h, these lines are considered as High Speed Line, although there are speed limits depending on the transitions from mountain or straits, use of narrow track or other special reasons.
In Terms of Pulling and Pulling Vehicles
The High Speed Train is a series of fixed set of motor and wagon sets that can reach a speed of at least 250 km / h used in commercial services. In certain circumstances, train types that operate at lower speeds (200 km / h), such as tilted trains, but also provide high-quality services, can also be described as high-speed trains.
Operating Systems
There is a separate situation for this definition, which varies according to railway management.
The most classic system in High Speed Train management, high speed trains run on their own lines, conventional trains run on their own lines. Such are the JR East, JR Central and JR West Shinkansen lines in Japan.
Only high speed trains operate on high speed lines. In conventional lines, both conventional trains and high-speed trains operate at conventional train speeds. Such are the lines operated by SNCF in France.
Only conventional trains operate on conventional lines. In high-speed train lines, high-speed trains and conventional trains can work together. However, since conventional trains will travel at lower speeds, the capacity decreases. This is how RENFE operated lines in Spain.
Conventional and high-speed trains work together on the same lines.
This is the case in Germany and Italy. Germany (DB AG) and Italy (Trenitalia) Railways plan all train traffic taking into account the high speed train traffic.
There are many technical features that distinguish high-speed train lines from conventional lines. Due to the increase in speed, the trains are faced with some physical and electrical difficulties and the high speed train lines are of great importance for the use of trains which will be able to be safely used at high speeds.
Most of the high speed trains in the countries that currently operate fast train operations do not exceed 350 km / h. In Germany, France and Japan, speeds exceeding 350 km / h are applied for testing and research purposes. For example, in 2008, he broke a new world record with a speed of 575 km / h during the test drives between the TGV train and the cities of Paris-Strasbourg. Maglev train of Japan, which has a different technology, broke a record in 2003 with a speed of 581 km / h.
Level Crossing
The most common cause of accidents in railways are level crossings. The road vehicles that do not comply with the warning signs lead to the railway and cause accidents. Lines not exceeding 140 km / h have no level crossings.
Lines are under construction
The high-speed train lines have been put under contract with wire fences or walls to eliminate the risks of animal or human transitions.
The Ground Is Solid
The infrastructure of the high-speed train lines is built to a much higher quality and standard than the traditional lines. The materials that comply with the international standards are combined with the latest technology facilities and the railway platform and art structures (tunnel, bridge, viaduct etc.) are constructed.
Extend Between Lines
When the two high-speed trains run past each other, the speed difference between them can be as high as 600 km / h. That's why the width between the lines is important. If the two trains pass too close to each other, they are subjected to an air pressure at the first encounter and immediately after this pressure decreases. The distance between high-speed train lines to eliminate pressure differences is greater than that of conventional lines.
Curve Radius Is Larger
Curve radii used in high-speed train lines to achieve high speeds are larger than conventional lines.
Tunnels are Built to High Speed
The tunnels in the high-speed train lines are constructed according to the high speed in order to eliminate the high pressure created by the trains passing through them in two directions. There are fire and ventilation systems in the tunnels.
Fast trains, ease of use, price advantage, safe and fast with the difference of the difference. With your car, you will travel a faster way to the train in less time, safer and, of course, cheaper. High-speed trains give you the opportunity to travel at much higher speeds than highway speed limits in all countries. Generally, as the travel distance increases, the time advantage of the high-speed train increases.
It offers you free spaces throughout your journey. You can go wherever you want at any time. From the restaurant you can go to the sink or just walk around for a stroll. High-speed trains are the only means of transport for which electronic devices can be used, where there is no obligation to wear a seat belt.
Eco-Friendly High Speed Train
High speed trains running with electricity do not harm the environment and they do not produce noise pollution by working quietly according to other means of transportation. The areas covered by the high-speed train lines are less than the highways.
When we say a fast transport to a place, perhaps our planes are coming first. However, sometimes it may take longer than air travel to the airport from where we are. First of all, all airports are located outside the city. Because they need very large areas. In order to reach the airport, people have to make an average of half an hour. On the other hand, we see that the train stations are usually located in the city centers. Where there is no ground above the train can be taken underground. So there is no reason why a train station should not pass through the center of the city. Therefore, the time taken to go to the train stations is much less compared to the airport.
Energy Efficiency is High
Trains are exposed to weather resistance; the higher the speed, the higher the air resistance. As a result, the faster you go from one point to the next, the more energy you consume. One of the advantages of airplanes is that the air density is low.
Another issue is that the jet engines are not very efficient. The vast majority of the energy used by these engines is wasted. In short, the sound of a jet engine, heat and wind, lost energy. The remaining rate for the flight is only 10.
When we look at the electric trains, we see that they do not make much noise, they get warm, but at least they do not reach thousands of degrees. As a result, the energy efficiency of these trains is quite high. 40 to 60 percent of the energy consumed allows the train to advance.
Go to Station and Take the Train
At airports, people need to check in, leave their luggage behind and show their tickets on a regular basis. In addition, airlines often require people to arrive earlier than the journey time. These applications are not seen in train journeys. You go to the station and take the train.
If Time is Worthy of You
No delay is accepted in high speed trains competing with time. For example, the five-minute delay of trains in Spain means that the tickets are returned. The average delay time for trains in Japan is only 24 seconds. As in some countries, high-speed trains will reach the last stop from the first stop, and some will stop at certain points and carry passengers only.
There is no opponent of the high speed train at distances between 400-800 km in the world. Up to 200 kilometers of highway, and after 800 kilometers, the plane comes into play. However, given that the high-speed train is becoming increasingly widespread in Europe, it is inevitable that air transport will be adversely affected.
Price Competition Rises
The development and management of aircraft is much more expensive than trains. In addition, there are serious costs at the airports for airplanes. Another disadvantage of the cost of aircraft is that they use too much fuel. As a result, the operating costs of aircraft compared to trains 2-3 times more than the high-speed trains are possible to provide a cheaper service.
An example of this is the transportation between the two major cities of France. The first high-speed trains between Paris and Lyon, which are 450 km from each other, started in 1981. Travel time between Paris and Lyon has dropped to just 2 hours. This development caused airline travels between the two cities to drop by 40 percent.
When we apply this model to Ankara-Istanbul high-speed train line, it is clear that we will encounter a similar example. If we go even further, less than a person sitting in Tuzla to work in Bakırköy will arrive from Ankara to Eskişehir. Or this person who lives in Tuzla will be able to reach much faster than before thanks to the high-speed train line and Marmaray.
We don't have to wait for a passenger to be environmentally sensitive to travel by train. Because trains have many advantages in terms of traveling compared to planes. The competition created by high-speed trains will enable other modes of transport to provide quality service to consumers.
The speed achieved does not deprive you of the landscapes in the places you pass, and is a very good reason not to get bored. The taste of the landscape remains on your palate.
Traffic Accidents Decrease
As a result of the investments to be made to the railway which is one of the public transportation systems and the shift of the passenger preferences to the rail systems, the traffic congestion and the accident rate in the highway will decrease. It is inevitable that this will have a positive effect on the economy in the long term.
Electrical Energy to be Used
Railway management has the potential to provide significant foreign exchange savings as a result of the use of electricity, which is the national energy generation and the provision of mass transportation. Moreover, it has a rapidly increasing share within the transportation sector in developed countries due to less land use and not consuming the energy consumed by the environment.