Minister Yıldırım for the high-speed train
What questions were in the outgoing file?
When finished;
It is obvious that it will be one of the biggest projects of Bursa.
However, the fact that the tender of the connection line that will connect Bursa to Bilecik and integrate to the main line still cannot be concluded causes Bursa to growl in Bursa.
According to planning;
The construction of the high-speed train line, which will start in Ankara and reach Istanbul, started in 2003 and was planned to be completed in 2009.
However, the government did not hold the target.
By 2009, only the Ankara-Eskişehir line became operational.
Only 245 kilometers of the 197 km line currently used consisted of new rails, accordingly, the high-speed train departing from Ankara can only switch to its new line after 40 kilometers.
At this point;
Despite the fact that Bursa-Yenişehir connection line has not been concluded yet, it has been closely related to Bursa, and MHP Bursa Deputy İsmet Buyukakataman asked Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication Minister Binali Yildirim at the first stage.
Büyükataman's question is actually quite interesting.
In the statement made by TCDD, although the contract price of the 1st stage was 459 million euro, the cost reached 200 million euro by increasing the speed from 250 to 629, and it was obviously surprising Büyükataman.
The Minister asks Yıldırım, "Since the discovery of such discovery has been made, is the renovation of the Ankara-Eskişehir line part of the old rails completed?", He wants to find out who approves the increase in the cost.
High speed trains in the world 600 km. Asking why a technology that still could not exceed 250 even more than XNUMX by paying the price of the tender while it has reached the speed, is now waiting for an explanation from Minister Yıldırım.
These questions show that Büyükataman has some technical knowledge, so the answer from the Ministry is of great importance for Büyükataman and Bursa public opinion.
Bursa Domination - Okan Tuna