Route recommendation for Trabzon-Erzincan High Speed ​​Train

Trabzon rail is less costly if it is made over Bayburt
December 25 2011
by admin

Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Department Head of Transportation. Dr. Fazil Celik, General Directorate of Railways Ports and Airports Construction (DLH) prepared by the Trabzon-Erzincan High Speed ​​Train (YHT) project is wrong, claiming that the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan shared the letter sent to the public. There is no scientific basis for the project. Dr. Steel

“Most 3 billion TL connections are possible, while a 7 billion TL project has been imposed,” he said.

Professor Dr. Fazil Celik, Trabzon Journalists Association held a press conference read the open letter he wrote to Prime Minister Erdogan. DLH'nin prepared by the feasibility of Trabzon-Erzincan YHT project, claiming that the resources of the country is wasted. Dr. Steel, argued that the project was wrong. Noting that the project has no scientific basis, Dr. Çelik said: “The project has no defensible aspects in terms of functionality, length, construction cost, construction time, land use, meeting project criteria, maintenance cost, operating cost and time saving. While a maximum connection of 3 billion TL is possible, a project of 7 billion TL has been imposed. ”

'I am not a nationalist, I am a science man'

During the project, the universities are not consulted. Dr. Steel noted:

In Mr. Prime Minister, I am Maçkalı and I am not defending the route passing through Maçka. Because I am not a local nationalist but a scientist. Science and country interests 'Tirebolu' says Tirebolu, 'Of' is my preference Of says. These works should not be a souvenir. It is unfortunate that universities are not consulted during such important projects. What does this nation finance these universities for? ”


Trabzon-Erzincan YHT project for the Prime Minister Erdogan, offering alternative projects. Dr. Steel, said:

“The alternatives of Trabzon- Arsin- Bayburt- Erbaş or Of and Rize are also extremely profitable. Our first suggestion is Trabzon-Arsin- Madenköy-Bayburt-Demirözü-Erbaş Station, the other route changes only after Bayburt and reaches to Erbaş Station via Sarıhan. The second one can be easily connected to Of or Rize, starting from Erzincan and passing through the wide plains of Kelkit and Bayburt, or from the shorter Erbaş to Bayburt plains. Of


Professor Dr. In the last section of the 6 page letter sent to Prime Minister Erdoğan, Fazıl Çelik gave the following lines:

Anım Mr. Prime Minister, your High Speed ​​Train move really excites us. I hope our dream will come true. However, it is essential that the projects be explored in a very detailed and alternative way, that no deliberate hands are intervened, resources are not wasted, and support and contribution from everyone, especially universities. Our intention is to confiscate the wrong project that DLH has commissioned and start work to ensure the right project. ”

21 Diyarbakir

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  2. It is the shortest and fastest way for the development of the region as soon as possible. This way is ERZINCAN-KELKIT-GÜMÜŞHANE-MACKA-TRABZON

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