İZBAN Organized Additional Expedition for New Year's Eve

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İZBAN has organized additional flights for the New Year's Eve. With the arrangement made 31.December.2011 Saturday In addition to the available services at night From Cumaovasi station departure times 23.45, 00.10, 00.35 3 additional trips, including From Aliağa station  departure times  23.30, 23:55, 00.15 3 additional trips have been made, including. Our passengers will be able to transfer from Halkpınar station to İzmir Metro for free.

Last trains departing from Aliağa at 00:15 and Cumaov at 00:35, Halkapınara at XNUMX:XNUMX It will provide free transfer with the last flight of Izmir Metro, which will arrive on 01.14.

The hours of the additional flights can be seen in the table below.

Cumaovası departure Alsancak departure Halkapınar departure Menemen arrival Aliaga arrival
23:45 00:18 00:24 01:01
00:10 00:43 00:49 01:26 01:47
00:35 01:08 01:14 01:51 02:12


Aliaga Take-Off Menemen departure Halkapınar departure Alsancak departure Cumaovasi arrival
23:30 23:51 00:28 00:37 01:07
23:55 00:16 00:53 01:02 01:32
00:15 00:37 01:14 01:23 01:53