Kütahya Balıkesir Railway Line Road Renovation Project Gökçedağ Nusrat Stations Railway Line Road Renovation Works

Kutahya button is pressed for high speed train project
Kutahya button is pressed for high speed train project

Kütahya Balıkesir Railway Line Road Renewal Project Gökçedağ Nusrat Stations Railway Line Road Renovation Works tender was signed with Fermak Construction company on 09 September 2011 for 59.740.982 TL.

Other companies participating in the tender with an approximate cost of 85.500.000 TL are as follows:

  • Çelikler Contracting Construction,
  • GCF Generale Costruzioni Ferroviarie SpA-Kolin İnş.,
  • Martin Rose – Detail Road Structure,
  • Ozgun Construction,
  • Salccef – İlci İnşaat,
  • Transstroy – Works Contracting,
  • Ünüvar Construction – Atlas Construction,
  • Utay Construction,
  • Vianini Lavori – Özdoganlar Construction,
  • Viamont DSP – Yenigun Construction,
  • Yapı Merkezi, 12. HF Wiebe – Öztaş İnşaat

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