Summer Diarrhea Can Be Dangerous

Summer Diarrhea Can Be Dangerous

Acıbadem International Hospital Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Kerim Çıkım made important warnings, pointing out that diarrhea that develops in the summer months should not be neglected. Internal Medicine Specialist [more…]

Countdown Has Started For TransAnatolia
31 Hatay

Countdown Has Started for TransAnatolia

TransAnatolia, organized with the support of the Turkish Automobile Sports Federation TOSFED and the Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency TGA, will be held in its 12th year from Hatay on August 2.500 with a 20 km race route. [more…]

Nutrition Tips for Your Intensive Work Life

Nutrition Tips for Busy Work Life

Dietitian Çağla Aytaç gave important information on the subject. In a busy and fast-paced business life, most people put themselves in the background. In fact, practice is an indispensable part of business life. [more…]