Pre-School Education and 1st Grades Start Face-to-Face Education

Pre-School Education and 1st Grades Start Face-to-Face Education
Pre-School Education and 1st Grades Start Face-to-Face Education

The Ministry of National Education shared the technical details of how to implement face-to-face training, which will start on Monday, September 21, with a letter sent to 81 provincial national education directorates.

According to the letter sent to the provinces with the signature of Minister Ziya Selçuk; The adaptation program, which will take place between September 21-25, which is the first week of the opening of the schools, will be carried out in the preschool education institutions and in the first grades of primary school as "1 day face-to-face education".

In case of need, taking into account the physical conditions of the school, the students in the branch will be divided into groups in accordance with the social distance rule and will provide face-to-face training. The days of the groups that emerge with the division of the class size will be different from each other.

Participation of the student in face-to-face education will not be obligatory, and the parents will be able to provide the student to continue the distance education voluntarily without making a written application.

How will course hours be in face-to-face education?

In the first week of pre-school education, adaptation training will be carried out with 1 day, 30 minutes of 5 activity hours. The week after the integration week, covering the dates of 28 September - 2 October, and then, training will be held in pre-school education institutions for 2 activity hours of 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. In the institutions that continue their education face to face in pre-school education until September 21, education will continue in line with the same planning as of this date.

Primary school 1st grade students will provide orientation training for 30 lessons of 5 minutes each in the first week of face-to-face training. The week after the integration week, which covers the dates of 28 September-2 October, and then, 2 days a week, 30 lessons of 5 minutes each, face-to-face training will be provided. There will be a 10-minute rest period between lessons. Necessary plans will be made by the school administrations, including the duty of duty, in order to maintain the social distance between students during recess.

What will the curriculum be like? Which courses will students take face-to-face?

The Ministry of National Education devoted the first week of face-to-face education to the harmony of pre-school and primary school first-grade students, who will only meet school life. Within the scope of Covid-1 measures, personal hygiene, mask and social distance rules will be explained to students with non-contact games and fun activities. The week after the integration week, which covers the dates of 19 September-28 October, and the following week, Turkish lesson is 2 lesson hours, 2 lesson hours 3 days a week, Mathematics 6 lesson hours, 1 lesson two days a week, Life Studies 2 days a week. 2 course hours, including 1 course hour, will be given by face-to-face training. Regarding these courses, the course hours that cannot be taught face to face and other courses in the primary school's 2st grade program will be given by EBA TV and EBA portal live classroom applications and distance education systems. All information about distance education can be accessed at ​​and

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