we should get out of the aviation industry
26 Eskisehir

We Should Protect the Aviation Industry

Eskişehir OSB President Nadir Küpeli stated that the developments in the aviation industry have a negative impact on exports and said, “The developments in the world civil aviation sector have affected the aviation industry, which is the apple of the eye of the Eskişehir industry. [more…]

Inspection made for healthy transportation
38 Kayseri

Audited for Healthy Transportation

Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality police teams' inspections and information regarding compliance with coronavirus measures continue without slowing down. This time, commercial taxi drivers were informed by the police teams. Big city [more…]


TÜBİTAK will Recruit 2 Continuous Workers

In the statement made by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), it was announced that 2 permanent workers will be recruited. To apply for the announcement, register to the Job Application System at "www.bilgem.tubitak.gov.tr". [more…]

Who is gazi yasargil

Who is Gazi Yaşargil?

He was born on July 6, 1925, in the Lice district of Diyarbakır, as the child of a District Governor. His mother's side comes from the Black Sea region, his father's side comes from the Kayhan tribe, which was the first to settle in Beypazarı. [more…]

when will the houses train station end
41 Kocaeli

When Will 42 Evler Train Station End?

Work continues at the Izmit 42 Evler station on the new line between Arifiye and Pendik, which will be used by the suburban train. The station is expected to open in August. According to the news of Muharrem Şenol from Özgür Kocaeli; “Izmit [more…]