the restriction of the entrance to the big city and zongulda has been extended until May

Travel Ban Removed to 9 Cities

Travel Ban on 9 Cities Has Been Lifted: Making a statement on the issue that came to the agenda after the Cabinet Meeting, President Erdoğan announced that the travel ban on 9 cities has been lifted. At work, [more…]

How coronavirus affects pregnant women

How Coronavirus Affects Pregnant Women

Experts state that pregnant women's anxiety may increase due to the hormonal changes they experience during the pandemic, and underline that the immune system must be kept strong during this process. Experts wary of expectant mothers [more…]

Who is sakir zumre

Who is Şakir Zümre?

Şakir Zümre, one of the close relatives of Marshal Fevzi Çakmak, was born in Varna in 1885. After completing his primary education here, he went to Geneva. He studied law in here. [more…]

tender for trabzon's new car
61 Trabzon

Tender for the New Bus Station of Trabzon

The tender process for the new bus terminal, which is among the projects that Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Murat Zorluoğlu attaches importance to, is planned to start at the end of May and the beginning of June. important in the city [more…]

Tram Stops in Eskisehir
26 Eskisehir

Tram Stops in Eskişehir

Continuing its efforts to provide safe, comfortable and hygienic transportation to Eskişehir residents, Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality carried out routine bus cleaning operations during the curfew this week. [more…]

bursa streets frozen to the center
16 Bursa

Bursa Streets Returned To Site

The Metropolitan Municipality, which continues its asphalt renewal works in the main arteries of Bursa during the curfews imposed on weekends within the scope of the fight against coronavirus, on the other hand, has been carrying out the works that have been expected for years in the neighborhoods. [more…]

Sakarya is bidding on the nostalgic tram again
54 Sakarya

Sakarya Nostalgic Tram is Bid Again

Speaking at the 'One to One with the Mayor' program organized by Sakarya University, Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem Yüce made statements regarding the agenda and stated that the Nostalgic Tram, whose tender was postponed due to Coronavirus, [more…]

how are we in covid ace
34 Istanbul

What Are We In The Covid-19 Vaccine?

Boğaziçi University Molecular Biology and Technology Department, which is part of the consortium established by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the Ministry of Health, TÜBİTAK and TÜSEB, within the scope of the domestic vaccine development project against Covid-19. [more…]