urban rail system projects
06 Ankara

Urban Rail System Projects

Urban Rail System Projects; The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Turkey has provided great support to local administrations in recent years to ensure the spread of urban rail systems in our country. [more…]

World's Fastest Train
27 South Africa

Record-breaking World's Unique 5 Train

Trains, one of the oldest public transportation vehicles in the world, have been in our lives for centuries. Trains, which develop and change with the developing technology, are important in both freight and passenger transportation. [more…]

ropeway resistance of women with sling
54 Sakarya

Cable Car Resistance of Sapanca Women

Cable Car Resistance of Women from Sapanca; The cable car project, which starts from Kırkpınar District, ascends 1400 meters and reaches the forest area in Mahmudiye İncebel location. More than 500 trees were planted for the project [more…]