Ercişte Public Transport Supervised

Van Metropolitan Municipality inspected public transportation vehicles in Erciş district. Public transport services serving in Erciş district were carried out by the teams of the Traffic Services Branch Directorate of the Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Department. [more…]


Airplane Coming Out of Trabzon

Trabzon Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Dr. While Orhan Fevzi Gümrükçüoğlu was making the Ankara-Trabzon flight on January 13, the Pegasus Airlines plane that left the runway after landing at Trabzon Airport will be determined. [more…]


6 New Vehicle in Turgutluda

Manisa Metropolitan Municipality carried out the integration of public transportation services in Çıkrıkçı and Derbent Neighborhoods within the scope of transportation transformation in Turgutlu district. 6 new vehicles that will provide public transportation between neighborhoods, [more…]

35 Izmir

Kocaoglu Elim If I Did Not Apply For Metro

Speaking at the opening of the Menemen Türkelli Wastewater Treatment Plant, Mayor Aziz Kocaoğlu brought up the Otogar-Halkapınar metro, which has been expected to be built by the Ministry for 10 years: "We will build everyone's metro in 2008. [more…]