Additional flights to Istanbul Ankara Yht line due to Eid
06 Ankara

Time Pressure Too Dangerous for YHT

Time pressure is very dangerous: The High Speed ​​Train (YHT) between Ankara and Istanbul was going to start its first voyage in October last year. The line was planned to be opened together with Marmaray on October 29; but [more…]


Cable Car Passes Underneath Your Home From The Underground

Cable Cars Can Pass Under Your House, Over the Subway: According to the bill that closes the path of litigation to citizens who withdraw from consensual expropriation, without expropriation, without expropriation, on the grounds of 'public interest', there is a cable car that can pass under or over buildings. [more…]

06 Ankara

Here is the cause of the accident

Here is the Reason for the Accident on YHT: TCDD made a statement regarding the accident that occurred as a result of the Piri Reis test train working on the YHT Line hitting the rail grinding vehicle. to expeditions [more…]