Intercity Railways

Is the railway from Bayburt? will pass.

Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Head of Civil Engineering Transportation Department, Prof. Dr. Fazıl Çelik was specially appointed by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications. [more…]

34 Istanbul

The Ministry's 3. Bridge mathematics

Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Binali Yıldırım made striking statements yesterday regarding the much-discussed 3rd Bridge. Yıldırım, “3. We are going to the bridge tender again. One in the project [more…]


8 February 1918 Hijaz Railway

On February 8, 1918, 1100 rails, 12 bridges, 25 telegraph poles on the Hejaz Railway, and on February 11, 1200 rails near Cüda Station were destroyed by the rebels. Medina's connection with the north [more…]